Disability Awareness - Do you need guidance?
Nazia Kausar, Solicitor in Wake Smith’s Employment Law team, looks at some frequently asked questions to provide you with guidance on disability awareness.
What can constitute direct sex discrimination?
A recent employment tribunal held that not providing adequate toilet facilities for both men and women was direct discrimination. Nazia Kausar, Solicitor in the employment team at Wake Smith looks at the case.
Calling someone bald could equal harassment – how employers can protect themselves
A Sheffield Employment Tribunal has ruled that calling someone bald could amount to harassment related to sex.
What is the correct test to apply when determining if a Claimant has suffered a detriment when making a victimisation claim?
Practically, if someone believes that they have suffered a detriment because of a protected act, then as long as a reasonable worker might take the view that certain treatment is to their detriment, the test is satisfied.