Holidays Are Coming, Holidays Are Coming

Wake Smith Solicitors 27 October 2015

Amazingly, Christmas is almost upon us again. The festive period can be a busy time for Solicitors with the potential for personal injuries increasing more quickly than Santa racing up and down your chimney. Some accidents happen for which no-one is to blame. You might step on a glass bauble fallen from the tree or find yourself under the weather because the turkey you spent so much money on was undercooked! However, there are also instances where people may well suffer injury and as a result may be able to make a compensation claim. Road Risks Nobody needs telling that around the festive period the roads can be treacherous. By now the clocks have gone back which means the evenings are darker and last longer. Couple that with the potential for snow and ice or both and suddenly the chances of an accident happening are increased many fold. That's only one aspect of being involved in a road accident however. It is the season for cheer and merriment and of course, the annual Christmas party! Often they will go off without a hitch but there are still too many people willing to risk everything and climb behind the wheel of a car at the end of the night convinced they are capable of driving home. This only leaves them far more susceptible to being involved in a road traffic accident that may not only cause harm to themselves, but their passengers and any third parties. Electrical Dangers Of course, it wouldn't be Christmas without new toys, gadgets and appliances, but what happens if they are faulty and you or your child suffers injury? If you or your child suffers a personal injury due to a fault electrical item this year, you may be able to bring a claim for compensation. The Consumer Protection Act allows you to pursue a claim if a product or any of its parts are defective. You don't even have to prove that the manufacturer was negligent, just that the product was defective and your injury was most likely caused by the product. You need not have even purchased the product yourself. Putting Your Best Foot Forward Another area of trouble we always see at Christmas involves people slipping or tripping on icy paths or roads. The last thing you want for Christmas is a broken bone, torn ligament or anything even worse. If you are walking somewhere and there is a lack of grit or salt down on the ground and you suffer a fall leading to injury you may be able to claim compensation as a result. We want everybody to have a happy and peaceful festive break but all too often we see people's Christmas holidays ruined by injury as a result of an accident through no fault of their own. So, please try to be safe and sound but if the worst should happen, then remember, there is someone here to help you through it. For further information about pursuing a claim for personal injury, please contact David Brown or Kevin Bostock at [email protected] or [email protected] or by telephone on 0114 2666660.




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