Barry Gregory to retire from Wake Smith

Wake Smith Solicitors 28 April 2015
Barry Gregory to retire from Wake Smith

On 30th April 2015, Barry Gregory, Director in the Commercial Property Department, will be retiring after over 37 years of service as a solicitor. Barry started his career at Clegg & Sons, formerly of Figtree Lane,…

Wake Smith Appoint New Commercial Property Director

Wake Smith Solicitors 28 April 2015
Wake Smith Appoint New Commercial Property Director

Wake Smith is delighted to appoint Paul Gibbon as a Director in our expanding Commercial Property team at Clarkehouse Road Office in Sheffield. Paul previously worked at Wake Smith between 2000 and 2008 and therefore…

What does the 2015 General Election mean for the property market?

Wake Smith Solicitors 28 April 2015
What does the 2015 General Election mean for the property market?

The 2015 General Election is just few days away. The main parties have now set out their manifestos. Whilst the media tells us to expect another hung parliament, it is still useful to know what each party is planning. …

Big Brother is always watching

Wake Smith Solicitors 23 April 2015
Big Brother is always watching

When George Orwell wrote 1984, I doubt he could have envisaged a world where every step one takes is not so much monitored by the state, but updated, tweeted, Facebooked or Snap Chatted around the world for all…

Landmark Decision: Court Of Appeal Allows UK Trial Against Google

Wake Smith Solicitors 15 April 2015
Landmark Decision: Court Of Appeal Allows UK Trial Against Google

In a landmark decision in the Court of Appeal three individuals have been allowed to continue with a test case against Google. This case could well open the way to consumers being able to sue Google and others in…

Equality Duties and Data Protection

Wake Smith Solicitors 15 April 2015
Equality Duties and Data Protection

Christopher Graham, Information Commissioner, has collaborated with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to produce a new guidance note for the public sector on the interplay between equality duties and…

Shared Parental Leave - New Regulations

Wake Smith Solicitors 14 April 2015
Shared Parental Leave - New Regulations

Holly Dobson helps to demystify the new regulations and sign posts some useful resources. Summary In force from 5 April 2015 and applies to all births and adoptions. Parents\Partners now have option of…

Recent Enforcement By Information Commisioner's Office

Wake Smith Solicitors 14 April 2015
Recent Enforcement By Information Commisioner's Office

Recent enforcement by the Information Commissioner's office has resulted in Direct Assist Limited being fined £80,000 for making direct marketing calls to people without their consent and a fine for the Serious…

Boy Band Hysteria Has Heartbroken Workers Seeking Compassionate Leave

Wake Smith Solicitors 02 April 2015
Boy Band Hysteria Has Heartbroken Workers Seeking Compassionate Leave

Following Zayn Malik's announcement that he is leaving One Direction, employers have been inundated with requests for compassionate leave from grieving fans who claim that they are too heartbroken to work! Following…



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