Spotlight on.. Holly Dobson

Wake Smith Solicitors 14 December 2016


Bents Green, Sheffield


Georgetown School, Guyana, 3 primary schools near Bognor Regis and Chichester and Chichester High School for Girls followed by Durham University.

Work History:

DLA for 5 years then Benson Burdekin (which merged with Clegg & Sons to form Benson Clegg) for 17 years. We merged that firm with Wake Smith 10 years ago.

What was your first job?

Waitress at a Wimpey Bar

What did you think you would be when you grew up?

A journalist before becoming a bestselling writer of fiction.

Where is the best place to go for office gossip?

I’m always the last to know and a kind soul usually comes to my desk to fill me in.

What is the best thing about your job?

Achieving a good outcome for the client. It is still absolutely the most important thing for me and gives me great job satisfaction.

What is the worst thing about your job?

Losing my own office space after 30 years and learning to adapt to open plan working.

What and where is your favourite restaurant?

Too many to choose from, but we celebrate our special occasions at La Dolce Vita at Crosspool

What book are you reading?

Charlotte Bronte: A Life by Claire Harman

If you were stranded on a desert island, which two luxury items would you take?

Writing materials for my novel and an endless supply of champagne.

If a film was being made of your life, who would you want to play you and why?

Emma Thompson has an amazing character range and she would definitely be my first choice.

Who would you least like to be stuck in a lift with?

I am known in the office for not watching reality TV, not knowing who minor listed celebrities are and indeed not watching TV at weekends. So any group of people who are famous for just being famous would be my nightmare.

Which 3 celebrities would you invite to your perfect dinner party (alive or dead)?

Lord Neuberger, Alan Rickman and Jane Austen could be a lively, intelligent and interesting mix.

What do you enjoy in your spare time?

I enjoy walking in the Peak District. Having walked all over the Dark Peak for so many years, I am now exploring the White Peak. Every walk has to have a good pub at the end. This year a friend and I have bought a small sailing dingy. As I have not sailed for a very long time, I am learning how to rig it by myself and the basics of balancing the boat.

Who is your hero and why?

My mother. She has faced adversity and come out the other side. She did a great job of raising two children singlehandedly and on very little money. She lives quietly and happily now and at 83 still cycles several miles every day.



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