Prostate cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis
Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the prostate gland cells. As is the case with all cancers, this means that abnormal cells begin to divide and grow uncontrollably. This is something that can happen to any biological male, and it is more likely to develop the older you are. It is especially prevalent in those over the age of 50.
In the UK there are around 12,000 deaths as a result of prostate cancer each year making it the second most deadly cancer in UK males. This makes up 14% of male mortality as a result of cancer in the UK. Therefore, it is important to spot the signs early, and be aware of the dangers of cancer misdiagnosis.
In this guide, we will cover the common symptoms of prostate cancer, including why prostate cancer may be misdiagnosed, why you should consider making a claim and how we at Wake Smith can help.
Click on a link to jump to that section:
Discover more about the key signs to look out for with prostate cancer
Find out how and why prostate cancer can sometimes be misdiagnosed, and what it can be misdiagnosed as
Here’s why you should seek help from a qualified clinical negligence solicitor
Here’s how we can assist
We answer some frequently asked questions
What are the common symptoms of prostate cancer
If you think you have prostate cancer or may come to have it, some of the most common symptoms that are worth looking out for include:
- A more frequent need to urinate
- Rushing to the toilet
- Hesitancy in urination
- Straining or taking a long time while urinating
- Weak flow
- Feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully
- Blood in urine
- Blood in semen
If you notice any of these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean you definitely have prostate cancer, but it is highly recommended that you see a GP just to make sure. Chances of successful treatment are always better the sooner cancer is caught so make sure to get any symptoms checked. At a GP appointment, you will be asked for a urine sample or a blood sample. The GP will also examine your prostate with a digital rectal examination to help determine whether you have prostate cancer.
Can prostate cancer be misdiagnosed?
To diagnose prostate cancer, there are various examinations and tests that need to take place. Prostate cancer can be misdiagnosed, and misdiagnosis is more common than you might think. In a 2014 BBC study, half of all men surveyed were told they had a less serious form of prostate cancer than they actually had. This could be due to reasons including:
- Improper testing
- Failure to perform PSA testing
- Failure to order prostate cancer screening, despite symptoms
- Failure to order a biopsy
- Incorrect interpretation of results
Some of the most common problems that prostate cancer can be misdiagnosed are:
- Urinary tract infection
- Prostatitis (inflammation/swelling of the prostate gland)
- Enlarged prostate
If you or your loved one has received a misdiagnosis that has negatively impacted your life, you can make a claim for medical malpractice which could greatly benefit you. Misdiagnosis can even lead to wrongful death, so you can claim on behalf of a deceased loved one. You can get in touch with our experienced medical negligence solicitors here to see how can assist you.
Why should you consider making a claim of prostate cancer misdiagnosis?
A cancer misdiagnosis can not only cause emotional distress but also lead to physical consequences. You may want to consider making a claim against a medical professional since misdiagnosis can lead to large expenses. These include premature deaths and missed opportunities for life-saving treatments like hormone therapy, radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy. Making a claim can help you to get your life back on track as well as stop more misdiagnoses from happening in the future.
To make a cancer misdiagnosis claim, you will need evidence of medical negligence or malpractice, it must have happened within three years and you will need the help of a reputable solicitor.
How Wake Smith can help
If you or a loved one have faced a prostate cancer misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis, Wake Smith’s medical negligence solicitors can help you. If this has had a negative impact on the patient, you may have a misdiagnosed cancer claim and we can help you to work out the next steps and get you compensation. Offering legal advice, our experts will make sure to get you the justice that you deserve.
You can head to our medical negligence page for more information on this specific problem, so make sure to get in touch today. You can contact us via our online form here for a free consultation to make a medical negligence claim.
Common Queries
What are the common misdiagnoses of prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer can be misdiagnosed as a urinary tract infection, prostatitis (inflammation/swelling of the prostate gland), or an enlarged prostate
How often is prostate cancer misdiagnosed?
Studies have found that as many as half of prostate cancer cases are misdiagnosed, so you’re not alone. Make sure to get help and help reduce misdiagnosis by contacting us at Wake Smith today.
What do you need to know before starting a claim of prostate cancer misdiagnosis?
Before starting a claim, you should be aware of the things you need to know. The misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis must have happened within three years, and you will need some evidence of medical malpractice. To make sure you get the best, you will also need to make sure you have an experienced legal representative. To give yourself the best chance of success, make sure to get in touch with our experienced solicitors and lawyers at Wake Smith.
What percentage of prostate cancer is terminal?
For men in England who have prostate cancer, the mortality rate is about 5% after a year and increases to 20% after ten years.
What are the risk factors for prostate cancer?
There is a wide range of risk factors that can make prostate cancer more likely to be a problem for you. Here are some of the most important risk factors to be aware of:
- Age – the risk of prostate cancer increases with age
- Family history
- Eating habits
- Genetic changes
What are the consequences of a late diagnosis of prostate cancer?
The later prostate cancer is detected, like with most cancers, the lower the chances that treatment will be possible, and if it is, that it will be successful. The longer the cancer is left untreated, the more cancer cells will grow and could spread into other areas of the body. Advanced prostate cancer could spread into local tissues or even other areas of the body.
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