Hospital Negligence

Nursing home negligence; dealing with wrongful death 

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Losing a loved one is always difficult, but when this death occurs in an assisted living facility, this can be especially challenging and upsetting. If you suspect that the death was unlawful, then this may leave you struggling to grieve and wondering what your next move should be.

Hospital Negligence

Nursing home neglect; how to identify and report abuse

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In this guide, we will explore the most common examples of nursing home abuse, how you can identify it and what you need to do to report any suspicions. We will also guide you through the process of acquiring the assistance of a medical negligence solicitor.

Hospital Negligence

How to identify nursing home neglect and when to report it 

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In this guide, we explain the most common examples of negligence in nursing homes. We discuss how to identify the signs of nursing home negligence, as well as the important steps that family members should take if they suspect that a resident is not getting appropriate care from a nursing facility.

Hospital Negligence

Medical negligence in nursing homes: how can I make a claim?

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Almost 393,000 individuals were living in care and nursing homes across England between 2019 and 2020. Many families entrust their relatives - particularly elderly relatives - to care homes because they cannot provide the level of care needed at home.

Hospital Negligence

Common examples of nursing home neglect and how to identify them

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In this guide, we will explore the common forms of neglect in nursing homes, how you can make a negligence claim, and why seeking legal advice is your best option. We have advised many clients over the years to give them the information, support and guidance that they need to get help.

Hospital Negligence

Nursing home negligence: how can I make a claim?

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Sometimes, residents can experience neglect. Care home negligence will involve mistreatment that can result in personal injury, illness or a poorer quality of life. If you suspect a loved one is experiencing negligence, it can be a deeply upsetting and stressful time.

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